Meet Tullie

Meet Tullie, the cat I have adopted with my roommate’s permission. Actually we both wanted a cat but my roommate was concerned with the responsibility issues, such us, who is going to take care of the cat if we both leave for a few days, what if we forget to feed it or change its litter box, who’s going to take the cat to the vet to do all the shots etc. So I stepped in and said I am going to be responsible for the cat, but in exchange I am going to have exclusive rights on it, meaning that I get to pick a name and the cat is going to be sleeping with me most of time. We took her from the shelter this Saturday and she has officially become The Princess Of The House since that day!!! Excuse the quality of the pictures, they were taken with my Iphone 5.

Everybody who sees he says she has super smart eyes.

She is super smart, she has figured out already who can give her treats if she plays cute (me), and is now working on the fridge opening skill.

Having a pet when living with a roommate!tullie7

Stretching and cleaning

We still have to figure out what to do with her fur flying around the room and sticking up to the furniture but these I minor details!


Sleeping beauty

She falls asleep in less than 30 seconds, regardless of where she is and what she is doing at the moment!



There is just one thing that concerns me so far: we somehow failed to notice that our lease has a “no-pet” clause in it, so now we are researching the ways to keep the cat, in case our landlord says she has to go.

Roommates fighting (lots of door slamming).

Every once in a while we come across unpleasant people, and my friend Anna is going through an experience with an unpleasnt person being the third roommate in the apartment where she rents a room. By some reason these two girls just couldn’t connect and I don’t know how it all started, but, as of right now, they are officially at war, so that is how her typical weekday morning with the roommate goes like:

   She wakes up, sneaks into the shower and starts the water running to indicate that the bathroom is occupied. She is then pleased to hear her rommate opening her door 5 seconds later and then slamming it closed again with irritation. Too late b*tch!

   After taking her time in the bathroom she comes out to find Andrea (the roommate) monopolizing the kitchen table where Anna likes to sit and eat her breakfast before going to work. She proceeds with preparing the food anyway, taking an opportunity to boil some eggs (it’s summertime, 79 degrees outside and no A/C in the kitchen), while she, herself, retreats to the living room where A/C is on. Andrea won’t desert the kitchen table no matter what, so she has to simmer in her own sweat, while pretending she is not hot at all.

   While my friend chills in the living room, her evil roommate changes the water running mode in the kitchen sink from stream to soft flow (water running like from the shower head). Anna doesn’t know how to switch it back to normal when she starts the water running to wash the dishes after herself. So Andrea smirks quietly while she is struggling with the kitchen faucet. The two exchange an eyeroll and a sigh without looking at each other.

   My friend is done with her breakfast, dressed and ready to leave for work, but before, she wants to use the bathroom, so she starts walking there, only to be cut off by her roommate, who comes out of the kitchen and starts walking in front of her leisurely, with theatrical yawns, and slams the door behind herself in Anna’s face. Anna leaves the apartment slamming the front door behind her and dumps the water bottle she just finished into the basket attached to the front of Andrea’s bike, parked by the house.

What an amazing beginning of the day!!!


6 points to check if you live with a roommate

Happy_roommatesI just had a conversation with one of my friends who asked me (yet again), whether I am happy living with a roommate, and that made me think. Why is sharing an apartment something so controversial that you almost feel embarrased telling it to other people. Maybe something is wrong and I have to change my life, get myself a separate apartment and “grow up already”? But then I analized my feelings and came to a conclusion that I am perfectly happy with my present situation, and feel really comfortable and not at all depressed having to share an apartment with Marina. In fact I am happy to have her living with me and really hope that we’ll stay in touch, after each of us get’s her own nest. And that realization lead to the following thoughts formed in my head:

It is good to live with roommates when:

You are in college or a college grad settling in a big city.

You need to save money for a greater purposes

You are going through financially turbulent times

You feel like you want to have (a) roommate(s)

download (12)It is not good to live with roommates when:

You can not afford your own place and are not doing anything to change this situation

You hate your roommate(s)

You don’t feel comfortable in your apartment and prefer to go out rather than stay in the apartment

You are in a bad relationships with your roommate(s)

Things that your roommate is for you:

Your buddy, your style advisor, your confidante (to a certain degree), your drinking companion (on occasion), but most important, your roommate is rightful and respected member of your household.

Things that your roommate isn’t for you:

Your roommate is NOT your: babysitter, housekeeper, bank, psychiatrist, parent, teacher, boss, cry-shoulder or legal guardian.

Acceptable behaviour :

Joking, light pranking, time-to-time arguments, issue resolution

Unacceptable behaviour:

635657567093626916-370468642_12-loud-personFighting, passive aggressive behaviour, pressure, silent treatment, abuse (like exessive drinking or partying in the apartment).

And now, after checking all the above points I realized that not only I am happy living with my roommates, but also, I feel that I am doing a good thing for myself, because I am doing it fot greater person (I really hope to buy a2-family house for rent in the nearest future), I am really comfortable with my roommates and I am pleased to know that we are both mature adults and are solving our problems in a rational adult way. And I actually do feel myself a grown up now.

Mother knows best!!


The pearl I have found on a website called

A Mom visits her son for dinner who lives with a girl roommate. During the course of the meal, his mother couldn’t help but notice how beautiful his roommate was. She had long been suspicious of a relationship between the two, and this had only made her more curious….

Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there was more between him and his roommate than met the eye. Reading his mom’s thoughts, his son volunteered, “I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you,we are just roommates.”

About a week later, his roommate came to him saying, “Ever since your mother came to dinner, I’ve been unable to find the silver plate. You don’t suppose she took it, do you?”

He said ,”Well, I doubt it, but I’ll email her,  just to be sure.” He sat down and wrote….

Dear Mother:
I’m not saying that you ‘did’ take the silver plate from my house, I’m not saying that you ‘did not’ take the silver plate, but the fact remains that it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner.
Your Son

Several days later, he received an email from his Mother which read:

Dear Son:
I’m not saying that you ‘do’ sleep with your roommate, and I’m not saying that you ‘do not’ sleep with her, but the fact remains that if she was sleeping in her OWN bed, she would have found the silver plate by now, under her pillow…

The best roommates notes ever

Oh the fun you have when you live with roommates… It doesn’t only help you financially, but also awakens your creativity;)

Unfazed optimist


It’s not a threat, it,s a warning

roommate's shower

Better safe than sorry

roommate notes

“Talking” cans


You better trust him, trust me…


Now, this lucky toilet paper spool has a house!!

living with a roommate

These little cookies screamed your name…

living with a roommate

Bon Appetit, friends!!

NASA people sh#t too


Group messaging old school

group messaging old school

Breaking news

Roomates living together

When your roommate becomes almost like family

Living with a roommate

Oops…My bad


Dear roommates, please help yourself with some delicious typhus germs..

Sharing is caring

We want to change the world

Inspired by a heated conversation I recently had with my highly conscious tree-loving roommate, Marina, about whether or not we should rinse plastic stuff before throwing it to a recycle bin, I came to realize that no one is going to change the world (ugh, sounds so cheesy, thanks, Hollywood) tomorrow, it is us who have to begin doing things differently today, starting right this second. We have gone so far away from our parents, judging by how different our mind set became, comparing to the previous generation, how different our outlook on things are, how conscious we become of political propaganda, financial manipulations in the world, etc. I think it is not a secret to anyone now that we have drastically depleted our planet’s resources  are by careless consumption and greed. So today, a lot of attention is turned to saving and restoring The Earth’s ecology, and I bet you are nodding enthusiastically, imagining that somewhere in Uruguay people are re-planting the trees that they have chopped out to produce tobacco.  But you will be surprised how little it takes to make your apartment more eco friendly, and how much it is going to improve the global environment in the long run.

Recycled paper goods and green cleaning supplies like toilet paper, paper towels and facial tissue cost as much as the make your home greenwhite paper goods but mean so much more. And yes, just like everybody esle, I am not too happy about how thin and non-absorbent the Seventh Generation paper towels, that my roommate has stocked us with for two years ahead, are, but the good thing is, we started using microfiber kitchen towels more than paper towels, and, by doing this, reduced the paper waste in our household, which makes me really proud of myself.

Beauty and personal care products not tested on animals will become a nice addition to your bathroom shelf and cabinet, as they will not only mean that you take care of yourself, but also, that you care about the planet, and are an animal lover. Search the web to find a list of companies that don’t use animals for testing their products. Since I became aware of it I gradually switched all my products to all organic and natural brands that are cruelty free, like Kiss My Face, Jason Natural Cosmetics, MillCreek Botanicals, and Artistry.

First I wanted to post a video of an actual animal testing the beauty products but then decided not to go hard core saving your fragile mental health. So here is a nerve racking video of a human undergoing the test that is usually performed on animals.

Food suppliers, like Newman’s Own Foundation, who donate part or even all of their profits to charity. How does helping the world to change tastes? Good? That’s right, enjoy. As matter of fact a lot of big companies are giving backto the community, just pay attention to what the labels say, in the store.


Interesting facts about recycling in the US:


-Americans make more than 200 million tons of garbage each year, enough to fill Busch Stadium from top to bottom twice a day.

-We generate 21.5 million tons of food waste each year. If we composted that food, it would reduce the same amount of greenhouse gas as taking 2 million cars off the road.

-Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to listen to a full album on your iPod. Recycling 100 cans could light your bedroom for two whole weeks.

-The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) estimates that the 36 billion aluminum cans landfilled last year had a scrap value of more than $600 million.

-In 2010, paper recycling had increased over 89% since 1990.

-A glass container can go from a recycling bin to a store shelf in as few as 30 days.

Saving energy

I think we all know how to save energy, but I could never understand why is it so important. Now I finally realiazed that energy production not only deplets the planet’s resources but also pollutes the air, producing harmful emmisions, everytime the electricity is used on a large scale.

Things that I still have to improve. 

I need to start carrying a fabric tote for groceries, so that I don’t have to use plastic bag. Marina has been trying to guilt me into doing it for the past two month (since she moved in with me).

I need to start setting my A/C in the eco-mode instead of a non- stop 69 degree cool, but I’m not sure if it is ever happening, because i just feel cosier sleeping under a thick blanket, and I have setup a unique microclimat with the ideal temperature in the room for myself, so…

I am seriously thinking about excluding meat from diet, but now, honestly,  it seems like too big of a commitment to make.

conscious roommates

It is true that all-organic green products are more expensive than the generic ones, but I guess this is more a question of your own priorities in this case, what are you ready to save on, and what is so important for you that not a dime should be spared to get the best possible? My own personal list of no-sparers is: my food, my health, my future (including the environment I am going to be living in tomorrow) and my family.

Things on which I refuse to spend more than average price are my clothes, my bags, my jewelry and accessories, my home decor elements and my rent. That is exactly why I have rented out a spare room in my apartment and did not regret doing it so far.

Adult vs Childish Ways of solving problems with your roommate.

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There are two ways of solving problems, adult way and childish way, it is ngotiable which way is better but from I’ve learned so far, acting like a child does not help you when you are having problems with your roommate. I didn’t even realize untill recently how irrational and unreasonable my behaviour is sometimes (especially when I am under pressure) so now I want to share my thoughts with you, in case you are having the same problem.

Trash situation

Problem: My roommate and I agreed on taking turns putting the trash out, and we decided that it should be done as soon as the garbage bag is full. But as we are both hard working young adults with personal life and after-work time interests and activities, it happened quite a few times that garbage stayed in our kitchen for days, (in fact, I wanted to write “weeks” but I felt too embarrassed to admit it), untill the stench from it reached its unbreathable maximum. Then someone, whoever turn it was at the moment would finally put it out. We both felt guilty about it and tried to make sure it is not happening, but… you know… it didn’t always work. My roommate was doing better than me though, so she started making comments about me being careless, which made me slightly irritated.


Childish Way (what I did): I’ve waited patiently for a few days untill she was finally the one who forgot to take the trash out, and when the trash bags started looking/smelling gross again I filmed it with my phone, dressing the video with a few sarcastic comments, and sent it out to her.

Adult way: Apologize and move on, making an effort to be more mindful about the trash situation.

Midnight clash

Problem: My friend and his roommate Dea have different daily schedules, so he comes home late at night while she leaves for work really early in the morning. He makes noise, occasionally, that wakes her up, because he just doesn’t pay attention to how heavy his walking is, and how loud he slams the kitchen cabinets and fridge doors.


Childish way: One night he woke her up, Dea appeared in the kitchen wearing the “devil’s face” (my friends literate expression) stomped to the Tom-Jerry-89bathroom without a single word, not even “hi”, and then went back to her room slamming the door behind her with the loud Bang!  Next morning she tried to make as much noise as possible resetting the microwave three times (microwave buttons make this heart wrenching beep sound) and making herself three smoothies in the bullet blender.

Adult way: Leave a note in the kitchen letting my friend know that he wakes her up with detailed explanation of what exactly he does that makes so much noise. (Yes, this is how my friend is, you have to break your issue into elementary particles and give it all to him one micro particle at a time, but once he got it, you’ll never have to get back to it again).

Money matters

Problem: My friend and her roommate Laura went to Benjamin Moore to get painting suppliedownload (6)s for their upcoming living room makeover, and the total cost of it ended up being more then Laura could afford.

Childish way: Once they were done shoppping and back home Laura had resentfully confronted my friend about the final bill coming up to $120.00 (split between two of them) talking about how she now has to cut her lunch money for the whole week untill her next paycheck.

Adult way:  Let my friend know, that you are on a (tight) budget upfront and either postpone the makeover till the next paycheck, or come up with cheaper choice of supplies.

The baking pans that made Tanisha famous. 

Problem: Tanisha Thomas the Bad Girls Club Season 2 star got frustrated with three of her roommates partying in the house till dawn while she and other girls tried to sleep.

Tanisha’s Way: What would be the better way of addressing the issue than walking around the house at the break of dawn next morning and banging two alluminum oven trays against each other to wake up everyone in the house (including those who didn’t get to sleep last night because of partying roommates)? That’s right, walking around, banging those trays AND chanting “I DIDN’T GET NO F*CKING SLEEP CAUSE’A Y’ALL!! Y’ALL NOT GON GET NO SLEEP CAUSE’A ME!!!”.

Adult way: I, seriously, can not think of any better way to deal with this problem. Am I wrong or you can call it a-street-smart-way of dealing with an issue?  And even though this episode aired around eight years ago I guess it will never get old for me.


Perfect roommates don’t exist y’all, so we all have to be a little bit more accepting and easy going letting our inner child out somewhere else rather than inside the apartment that we share with another individual who also has an inner child trapped inside him/her.

Roommate Pranks

What would you do if you wake up in the middle of the street? Literally, in the middle of the street while laying down in your bed. You would probably wonder how you got there? Well, your dorm roommates pulled a prank on you and carried your bed outside while you were sleeping in it.. Haha…NOT funny.

While pranks are fun to watch, I assume, the prank victims are hardly amused by it, and the people who post prank videos on youtube never tell how the prank victims retaliate. So if you decided to pull one on your roommie I suggest you calculate the possible consiquences very well before doing it.

Anyway, pranks are a part of fun you have, when you are young and free, and live with the roommates so here are some pretty neat and light prank ideas for you.

1. From me to you.

2.Do you think your roommate is trying to tell you something?

3.Have you seen the scissors?

4.Classics of prank (works best with drunk roommates)


5.And whatever this is


6.Another funny thing that went viral


7. Patch Adams’ style


8. And here you can actually see, what one of the prank victims thinks of it. Whoever made this hole obviously did not think that getting someone trapped in the bathroom is funny. reddit

Yet another article about sharing an apartment with a couple.

rw3I had a couple as my roommates once in my life, and in this post, I am not going to give any how-to advice or list pros and cons, I am just going to share my experience and give you my thoughts about it.

So I have moved to Tampa, Florida and shared an apartment with a college friend of mine whos name was Mary.

Few weeks later her boyfriend, Michael, has come to visit her from Ohio and decided to stay for good (as he was currently out of job). I wasn’t too happy about it, but since we lived in a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom apartment I thought it couldn’t be too bad. But I was wrong. Here are the main issues I had with them:

images (5)-When Michael moved in, bills went up due to exessive cooking (he liked to cook), but were still divided by two, not by three of us. However, Michael had a full say in all house related issues and, of course, whenever the argument was present Mary always picked his side.

-I became a minority when it came up to any kind of decisions about our living space.

-I felt like a third wheel everytime all three of us hung out in a living area.

-Everytime I needed to use our washer there was another Mike and Mary’s load of laundry spinning in there.

-It was NOT fun to hang out together becuase everytime it ended with them fighthing.

-Few times I was awaken in the middle of the night by their screams when they went through another argument.

-It might sound crazy, but I felt like Michael was sort of… Competing with me for Mary’s attention and sometimes pushed his weight around just to test his power.

It wasn’t bad all the time though, and those things were not a big deal for me at first, but still, I got slightly irritated each time we had a “Michael and Mary” situation and soon enough the tension, that was gradually building up, resulted in fighting from all three sides. So over time we almost stopped talking to one another, and everytime all three of us were present in the same room heavy silence hung over the place. This was no roommate paradise.

Long story short: Michael broke up with Mary and moved out and so did I. As of today I do not talk to either one of them and I would rather live in a windowless basement (also I hope I will never have to face this choice) then share an apartment with another couple. No matter how sweet and laid back they are.

I do agree that a lot of it was my own fault as I didn’t stand my ground at the beginning and let them take over the decision making, but it is kind of hard to change the situation on the go. So if you consider sharing an apartment with a couple, you should know what you are getting yourself into. And maybe workout a strategy and discuss all the possible issues before you move in together (Here, I did it, I gave you a how to advice).